
The Pecos Valley Baptist Association is a network of 33 Southern Baptist churches and missions working cooperatively to bring the Gospel to the Pecos Valley region in New Mexico.  The churches that comprise the Pecos Valley Baptist Association are autonomous, independent, self-governing churches that choose to partner together to fulfil the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).  Churches through our association are able to minister to more individuals than they often can on their own.  Pecos Valley Baptist Association stretches from Roswell to Loving, encompassing all of Chaves and Eddy counties.

  • Upcoming Events

    September 2: PVBA Office Closed for Labor Day

    September 17: 11:30 Carlsbad Pastors Lunch, Pizza Inn

    September 19: 8am Artesia Pastors Breakfast, Alma's

    September 24: 9:00am Newsletter Day, PVBA Office

    September 30: ACPs Due

    October 20: 3:00pm PVBA's 52nd Annual Meeting, Hermosa Drive Baptist Church, Artesia